Home of the Noggin of the Screaming Electron

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It feels right being back communicating as I please online to an audience of anyone that bothers to care ENTER.

I remember old web pages where you had to ENTER following a splash/landing/WELCOME page to which your capable browser of choice would then load a world of wonder.

This is what this post is essentially. It's a new beginning of sorts and hopefully a blip on the internet timeline that goes the distance more than some others at least.

What is this Noggin of the Screaming Electron (NOTSE) exactly? I'll label it as a one person BBS. The name is a nod towards an old 'underground/pirate' BBS known as TOTSE - which if you are interested enough and don't already know about, can research for yourself - All you need to know really is T in the acronym stood for 'Temple' and I have used a colloquial term for another type of temple, ones head. There is a saying about treating ones body like a temple and maybe that could be applied here...just don't think too much about that. 

Notse is intended to host ideas, original photos of concept works, findings and items of general interest. Thoughts will be shared as moments of clarity occur and musings are deemed worthy of distribution. 

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