Totally RAD - Jaleco NES

 Totally RAD, was a NES title that I used to see for rent back when original Nintendo games were still available to rent from stores. It is a game my family never rented out and I never had the opportunity to play it. Browsing online auctions one time this title came up and I had memories of seeing it and became curious about the game.

Let me tell you something...I'm glad we never rented this because it looked plan bad and I really disliked the like Totally RAD lingo whic I found to be like totally a bummer,dude. I don't have much else to say about this but if you don't know about this game and really are THAT curious check out someone else playing it on a video site, may I suggest YouTube?

These images are old and were capped from a online listing and edited by this sites management. I liked pics with the original price tickets on them to give one some perspective as to how much these games cost back in the day. I do note that having such things on the original box is undesirable to mad hustle 'gamers'

/Powers off.

